- 29/11/2018

The network of trails shown on all clubs maps and the State of NH app, have been created through the combined efforts of local snowmobile clubs, The New Hampshire Snowmobile Association (NHSA), Fish & Game and the Bureau of Trails (BOT). Local clubs work directly with landowners to obtain permission allowing said clubs to perform brush clearing, bridge building, signing of the trails, maintenance and grooming. The clubs and some state organizations through fund raising and grant & aid programs gain the financial means to maintain their local tail systems. This includes but is not limited to all work and the equipment to perform said work.
Snowmobilers, Cross-county skiers, hikers, snow-shoers, dog sled enthusiasts, and bicyclists are all welcome to use and enjoy these trails. All are expected and asked to respect the rights of the Landowners so the privilege of using these trails will continue for future generations to enjoy. All are encouraged to join and / or support local snowmobile clubs in the respected area’s they visit. All club have contact information on websites or social media and in some cases phone books. Much of this information can be found on the NHSA website. If you enjoy the trails within NH please reach out to a club and see what you can do to help. While out and about enjoy yourself and others, respect the Landowners and all users and say hi to all you meet.