To all, I would like to thank you all for a great season even without the snow. I would also like to thank the Board of Directors members who are stepping down. Brian Wade, Tammy Majowicz and Steve Jones Jr. Thank you all for your time on the BOD, your help and input throughout the season we could not have done it without you all. Also thank you to Brian Wade for his year of struggling with the memberships as we all know due to all the changes it was a very challenging process!
I would like to recognize the remaining BOD members and our new members joining on for the 2016-2017 Season. Dave George – President, Myself Sean Pinard – Vise President, Dave Charrette – Trail Master, Mark Bernard – Board of Director, returning to BOD as Treasurer Lisa Charrette, new to the BOD, Secretary Scott Majowicz and Board of Director – Mike Roberts. Welcome to all, we are looking forward to a great season next year!
For anyone interested we will be looking for someone to handle the memberships for the upcoming year. If you would like to give it a try please let any member of the board know so we can get you in the loop.
Keep in mind we will be holding our Annual Dinner next month Saturday May 14th at the clubhouse. We will also have a clubhouse cleanup at some point after the meeting and various projects and events throughout the summer. Please keep an eye out for our notifications e-mails, FB and the Website for details. As always let us know if you are interested in helping in any way!
As we start to roll into spring and summer enjoy your off season activities please be safe and pray for snow for our 2016-2017 Season!