We will be having an end of season trail-work and clubhouse clean up next Saturday! We will be taking up the mat on the silver lake dam, snow fence and signs at calumet, snow-fence at Fred’s bridge and whatever else we need! Also cleaning up at the clubhouse! Stay tuned we may do breakfast at the clubhouse!
Don’t forget our last general meeting including voting for a new BOD and summer and preseason budgets!
The Club will reimburse for the cost of the Ham for the dinner all members are encouraged to bring their favorite side dish or desert to complement our meal.
We are looking for someone to host, and cook the dinner! General Meeting will follow the dinner.
If you are interested in running for a position on the Board of Directors, Please contact us through the club e-mail @ sosclub@sossc.com.
You must meet the criteria set forth in our By-Laws to run for BOD! Please make sure you come buy join us for some food and fun and make sure we get things moving for the next season!