To all, our members and guests,

The Trail Master has officially opened the trails. This is also in a limited capacity. There are still open water bars, rocks showing and trees down. Ride at your own risk! There are also some gates still closed do not go around them! Not all trails are groomed, the weather and conditions are not allowing for all trails to be groomed! 

2 trail closings – the Silver lake Hardware Trail off of G junction remains closed with no current reroute. This is closed at G junction and the gate at SLH. 

Goe Hill is currently closed we are working on a reroute. This trail will be closed at Maple Grove after Q junction and at T junction. Do not ride these trails. 

Nature’s Conservancy has asked that we stay on our trails and not the hiking trails particularly the new one near 41 they are signed. Do not ride these trails. We will update as conditions get better!  

We still need a lot of help out there or the system will not get fully opened! If you ride you need to help!  

Ride safe, watch the conditions, stay on the trails and obey all laws!

Thank you and have fun!


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