To all, per the BOD Pot Luck Dinners during meetings have been suspended until further notice due to COVID concerns.
Currently our General Meetings will continue however the BOD is strongly encouraging masks be worn when in the clubhouse as well as maintaining social distancing. Meetings start at 7:00 PM every 3rd Saturday, October – April. Per our bylaws we need to continue with our General Meetings and allow access to all members as it is their right to attend, however we need to be concerned with everyone’s safety. If you are unable to wear a mask for medical reasons and would like to attend we ask that you strictly maintain social distancing within the building. We will do our best to accommodate all members attending and maintain room for social distancing within the building. If you are feeling sick or have flu type symptoms we ask that you do not attend functions within the clubhouse.
Meeting minutes will be available to all members within a week of said meeting, if you would like a copy please contact any board member.
We thank you for your help and understanding in these tough times and trust we can all work together to keep our club going strong and be ready for the numerus feet of snow and amazing trails coming for us this winter.