Hello all, we are getting a lot of questions about how to join the club, so we are sending info again to help out. If you still have any questions, contact Jim Habib @ jjh256@gmail.com or the club @ sosclub@sossc.com
The best and fastest way is to go right to the NHSA Member Portal on-line, link below. This Link is direct to the Scrub Oak Scramblers page on the NHSA Portal.
If you prefer you can still mail in a form with a check, and we can enter you into the portal and get you your voucher. This is one takes the longest time as it goes through the mail and has to get to Jim and entered.
You can also pay though our square store but will also require you to mail or email a form, so we have your info. However, if you have been a member in the last couple years, we can access your info so you may not need to send a form. If you are a new member will need the form or you can join online through NHSA. The Square Link is below.
The Form is located on our membership page on this site.
01 2022-2023 Membership Expires On June 30, 2023 | Scrub Oak Scramblers (square.site)
We hope this help again if you need help the BOD info is located on our website @ www.sossc.com or you can email us @ sosclub@sossc.com