Ladies Paint Night Canceled
Unfortunately this event has been canceled! We needed a good 10 people and had to be pre-paid to follow through. Sorry to anyone that was going to attend.
Unfortunately this event has been canceled! We needed a good 10 people and had to be pre-paid to follow through. Sorry to anyone that was going to attend.
To all due to the current snow conditions we are going to have to postpone the cook off. We are moving the event to March 10th. This week the Open House will be closed due to the current conditions as well. With any luck Mother nature will come off vacation and send us some snow.
OK all, sorry for the last minute notification, Mother Nature has not been good to us, however WINTER CARNIVAL IS ON TOMMORROW! The guys have been out and making repairs and due to our quick trial building early season we have maintained most of our base. We will continue to work the system to make