To all, I would like to thank everyone that helped with the 2016 NHSA Grass Drags & Water Crossings. As always this was a successful event for our club. We had a slow day Friday, as did all the food vendors and a cold – rainy day Sunday, also proving to be slow. However Saturday kicked it hard! We were swamped all day. At the end of the event with technically only 1 out of 3 days that were good we pulled it off. Our final numbers are not in to date but we will be well within recent years profit on the event. We will finalize all numbers by the November meeting! A specific thank you to the members that set up and helped with take down as well as all that stuck it out Sunday. It was cold, wet and slow.
We were all certain Saturday night that had we had a good day Sunday we would have sold out of “everything” we brought!
We had the Majowicz family & Paul Savignano for joining us this year for camping and managed to get in a fire or 2 throughout the weekend! We hope that more will join us in the future.
Below is the list of members and supporters that helped out in some way for the event and all should be recognized for their participation!
Lisa, Dave, Casey and Matt Charrette helping at the event – Ron & Janet Pinard both helping prep making repairs and modifications to the tent as well as Ron spending the entire weekend helping the booth & transporting the trailer back – Donna Jones & Ann Montaque for cooking & shredding all the pork butts for our pulled pork – Paul Savignano – trailer loading and working the event for multiple days – Joe Dirruza for trailer loading and working the event – Stan Pytraf – helping load the trailer – Steve Jones Sr for allowing the use of his trailer again and helping on Sunday – Steve Jr, Katy & Henry Jones for helping at the event multiple days – Scott, Tammy & Ashley Majowicz working the booth all weekend and camping with us – Chad Curry helping at the booth multiple days and transporting the smoker back – Steve McKeen for helping at the booth – Dave & Jodi George for helping multiple days at the booth and trailer loading – Rich Ventura transporting the smoker down and helping at the booth multiple days – Ken Storti helping at the booth – Don & Sydney Bray for helping at the booth and Don at trailer loading – Mike Roberts & Janice Corbett for helping multiple days at the event – Scott Torrey helping the entire event and securing us a place to store the trailer – Rob McCorry for helping with trailer loading – Terry Contardo & Don Michalak for working the booth multiple days – Brian Michalak for working the booth – Brian Wade for working the booth and providing and selling what was a large amount of merchandise – Missy Jones for working the booth. Also like to thank some of our donors and supporters, John & June Page of Brentwood for storing the trailer in their driveway prior to the event – Joe Ferreira / Yankee Smokehouse for donating the sauce for our pulled pork – Keyser Falls Market for getting us a good price on the pork butts for our pulled pork – Community Market & Deli allowing some of our deliveries to made there and storing some of our frozen goods till the event – Mad Cow Screen Printers for providing our orange shirts at a good price and no limits on quantities for order – Ossipee Lake Marina for suppling us with ice for the event and last but not least The NHSA for their support and work in bringing this event to life. We as a club work hard for our booth but they do it all for the event! I hope I have not missed anyone as I tend to do.
Again thank you all for everything you have done are doing and will do in the future.
There is a reason we were voted 2016 NHSA Club of the Year and that reason is our members know how to make it happen!
Without all of you this event would never have been a success. Thank you all for your ideas and help!
Sean Pinard VP / 2016 Grass Drags Chair