Weekend Camping @ The Beach Campground
North Conway NH!
Canoeing / Kayaking down the Saco River
Camping August 18 – 20 / River Run Aug. 19
Grab your friends and family and come enjoy a weekend away camping in the White Mountains we will be camping for 2 nights @ The Beach Campground in N. Conway with a leisurely canoe / kayak run down the Saco River from first bridge back to the campground! If you can’t camp with us hopefully you can join us for the river run on Saturday!
We have secured 5 sites all paid, currently 3 taken! If we need more we may be able to get them, just let us know!
Please RSVP by Aug 5th to Sean Pinard 603-785-4907 or via e-mail @ smpinard@roadrunner.com if you are interested in joining us!
Let us know if you need transportation for your boat!