To all, we certainly hope you had a great season. We certainly did at SOS. Trails were great the riding was better, even with the swaying of the weather it seemed to work in our favor.
Unfortunately our season is coming to an end, time to break out our campers, boats, atv’s bikes and hiking gear. That being said we have a few more things happening. We still have our final meeting in May, We will be holding a Member / Landowner appreciation dinner of some kind. Tammy is handling this and she will need help if you are interested. This will likely be toward the end of summer due to scheduling.
We still have the NHSA Annual Meeting and are still looking for a few people to attend. We have 3 delegates for voting so we want to make sure we have at least 3 there.
We will be scheduling a clubhouse clean-up shortly as well as some final trail work to bring in the signs, snow fence and the mats on the dam.
Some future summer items already in the works is the Luau on the Lake and the Club Camping Trip, both are listed in the calendar and on FB in the event page. Budgets are in for the Steak & Lobster Feed and the Profile Car Show so stay tuned for more info on those events! There will likely be some Summer projects as well so stay tuned we will post as soon as we have any info or dates. FB will be the fastest communication and sometimes it is last min so watch for anything and come help if you can.
Some important news, voting took place at the April meeting some have stepped down from the Board of Directors. We had no one run unfortunately. Currently remaining is President Dave George, Secretary Stacy Poutas, BOD Ron Pinard, and Rich Ventura stepping down from Treasurer and remaining as a BOD member.
We are currently looking to fill the Vice President, Treasurer and Trail Master positions. If you are interested please let us know. Thank you to those who have served on the BOD. It has been a pleasure having you.
So all know membership was up this year and volunteers are down all over. We need your help in many area’s. Many always helps but if we don’t have the people to do the work nothing gets done.
Thank you all for a great season and thank you all that helped with our events, open houses, grooming and trail work. Thank you all that attended and rode our trails.